Medical Malpractice Library

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Accessing our ebooks does not make you a client of Purchase, George & Murphey, P.C. These books are just a way to educate yourself about the challenges and difficulties you might face following a car accident or DUI in Pennsylvania, and how to make smart decisions as you look for solutions to the problems that these legal matters might create for you. There is no charge for these books, and if you decide to contact us your information will not be sold or given away to anyone.

Library Documents:

Birth Asphyxia Lawyer in Erie, PA

Birth Asphyxia Lawyer in Erie, PA If you suspect that your child was injured because of oxygen deprivation during childbirth, a condition known as birth asphyxia or birth depression, you may want to protect your child’s rights to compensation. Birth Asphyxia is a term that generally describes a condition in which a baby is deprived […]

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Birth Injuries Lawyer in Erie, PA

Birth Injuries Lawyer in Erie, PA Birth injuries can range from the comparatively mild to the catastrophic. Compared to just a few decades ago, serious birth injuries are an unusual event. Still, serious birth injuries occur and many of them are completely avoidable. If your child was injured in birth, you may have questions about […]

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Tips to Avoid Wrong Site Surgery

Believe it or not, surgeons sometimes operate on the wrong thing. Patients have been mixed up with one another. Other times, surgeons just get confused about which part of the body is to be operated upon, mixing up the right leg for the left, for example. There are things you can do to minimize your chances of being victimized by confused surgeons or hospital staff.

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Should All Surgeries Be Videotaped?

If you or a loved one has suffered from a surgical error, you may be frustrated in just figuring out what happened. No one in the O.R. will talk and the operative report reads like a summary of a textbook operation. Still, something went terribly wrong. Why can’t you find out what happened and why? The technology is here to cheaply and easily videotape these procedures and it may be time to introduce recording devices to the O.R.

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Seven Secrets to Avoid Being the Victim of a Medical Mistake

There are simple things you can do to minimize your chances of being the victim of a medical mistake. Many of these techniques are simple consumer techniques with which you are already familiar. Others involve using resources that are readily available on the web. If you or someone you love is facing a medical procedure, suffers from a long-term condition, or just needs regular care, read this to find out what you can do to protect yourself from carelessness of your medical providers.

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Pediatric Misdiagnosis/Failure to Diagnose

If your child was injured as a result of failure to diagnose or a misdiagnosis, you may want to protect your child’s rights and ensure that your child’s medical costs, long-term care costs, and future security are protected. Your child may be entitled to compensation and we’d like to help.

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Pediatric Meningitis

Physicians who ignore the signs of pediatric meningitis expose children to terrible risks, including brain damage and even death. If your child was misdiagnosed and suffered severe injury from meningitis, we’d like to help.

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Pediatric Malpractice

If your child was injured as a result of failure to diagnose or properly manage a childhood illness or condition, you may want to protect your child’s rights and ensure that your child’s medical costs, long-term care costs, and future security are protected. Your child may be entitled to compensation and we’d like to help.

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Obstetrical Midwife Malpractice

If you or your child was injured as a result of failure to diagnose or properly manage a pregnancy complication, you may be entitled to compensation for medical costs, long-term care costs, and other harms.

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