Pediatric Misdiagnosis/Failure to Diagnose Lawyer in Erie, PA

If your child was injured as a result of failure to diagnose or a misdiagnosis, you may want to protect your child’s rights and ensure that your child’s medical costs, long-term care costs, and future security are protected. Your child may be entitled to compensation and we’d like to help.

When a pediatrician misses obvious signs of illness or fails to investigate matters that pose a serious risk of harm to their child patients, tragedy can result. While a family must deal with the fear, anger, and sometimes grief of a pediatrician’s carelessness, their difficulties are often made worse by doctors and hospitals who are not forthcoming with clear and complete answers about how and why mistakes were made. Sometimes, doctors and hospitals will obscure the truth or deny responsibility as part of a strategy to avoid legal responsibility.

The Erie medical malpractice lawyers at Purchase, George & Murphey, P.C. use their experience and resources to investigate the case; bring reputable experts to review the case materials and analyze whether your child should have been diagnosed earlier; and get you the answers you need and the help that the law says your child is entitled to receive.

While pediatric diagnostic errors can occur in many different settings, we’ve found that some areas of medicine produce more diagnostic mistakes than others, including:

We Work with Medical Experts

To effectively prepare a pediatric malpractice case requires some of the best experts in the country. Experts who can explain how the diagnostic error occurred, why a pediatrician who was properly attentive and trained would not have made the same error, and the consequences of the error. The expert must not only have the knowledge necessary to explain these matters, but the expert must also possess the unusual skill of translating these matters into language and a presentation that a jury can understand.

At Purchase, George & Murphey, P.C., our Erie medical malpractice lawyers work only with board-certified specialists who are skilled in both medicine and the craft of presenting complex medical issues to lay people.

If your child has suffered a severe injury as a result of a pediatrician’s misdiagnosis, you should protect your child’s legal rights. Call the Erie pediatric malpractice lawyers at Purchase, George & Murphey, P.C. for a free consultation. Remember that time is always important in personal injury cases. However, Pennsylvania law allows children more time than adults. Children are not required to file a lawsuit until sometime prior to their 20th birthday. Despite the extra time, we don’t recommend waiting. Evidence is too often lost or destroyed in the passage of time.

Even if that time has already passed, don’t give up. So long as your child’s 20th birthday has not arrived, the Pennsylvania pediatric malpractice lawyers at Purchase, George & Murphey, P.C. will investigate and uncover evidence necessary to get you the answers you deserve. Contact us today to discuss your options.

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