

purchase, george & murphey.

purchase, george & murphey.

Take the Pledge and Get a Free Bracelet

Tower near water Marina

Take the Pledge and Get a Free Bracelet

Hurt by a distracted driver in Pennsylvania? Get a free consult with our Erie car accident attorneys. Call 814-273-2010 / toll free 814-273-2010 today.

Take the Pledge to Stop Texting and Driving!

Take the pledge to stop texting and driving and we’ll send you this free bracelet. All you have to do is click on the link to our contact page, fill out your information, and cut and paste the following pledge in our “Tell us More” Section:

I pledge to completely stop texting and using my cellphone while I am driving. I understand the dangers associated with these actions and will spread the word to my family and friends to help us put an end to the dangerous habit.*

*We’ll send you your Free “Teens Against Distracted Driving – I Pldge 2 NT TXT n DRV” bracelet! We can only send bracelets to people who live in Pennsylvania.